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Mengatasi permasalahan pada keterampilan membaca pemahaman siswa, dipilihlah model pembelajaran Cooperative Script berbantuan media gambar. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian yaitu Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Penelitian dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus dengan setiap siklus terdapat dua pertemuan yang terdiri dari empat tahapan yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan dan refleksi. Penelitian dilaksanakan kolaborasi dengan guru kelas V SDN Benua Riam semester II tahun ajaran 2023/2024 dengan jumlah 18 siswa. Adapun faktor yang diteliti yakni, faktor guru, faktor siswa dan hasil belajar membaca pemahaman melalui model pembelajaran Cooperative Script berbantuan media gambar. Cara pengambilan data melalui observasi, tes, dan dokumentasi. Indikator keberhasilan yang akan dicapai yakni aktivitas guru dan siswa mencapai ≥80% dengan kriteria baik dan aktif serta ketuntasan membaca pemahaman siswa secara individual dengan nilai ≥75(KKM). Indikator keberhasilan pada ketuntasan klasikal mencapai ≥80% dari ketuntasan individu. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terjadi peningkatan setiap siklus pada aktivitas guru, siswa dan hasil membaca pemahaman. Hasil pengamatan aktivitas guru pada siklus I pertemuan I sebesar 64%, siklus I pertemuan II sebesar 73%, siklus II pertemuan I sebesar 80% dan meningkat lai pada siklus II pertemuan II sebesar 93%. Hasil pengamatan aktivitas siswa pada siklus I pertemuan I sebesar 63%, siklus I pertemuan II sebesar 70%, siklus II pertemuan I sebesar 77% dan pada siklus II pertemuan II sebesar 90%. Hasil pengamatan pada hasil membaca pemahaman siswa pada siklus I pertemuan I sebanyak 9 siswa tuntas atau sebesar 50%, siklus I pertemuan II sebanyak 12 siswa yang tuntas atau sebesar 67%, siklus II pertemuan I sebanyak 14 siswa tuntas atau sebesar 78% dan siklus II pertemuan II sebanyak 15 siswa tuntas atau sebesar 83%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa melalui model pembelajaran Cooperative Script berbantuan media gambar dapat meningkatkan hasil membaca pemahaman siswa kelas V SDN Benua Riam. Hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat mengatasi kesulitan belajar siswa secara individual, dapat menggali kemampuan individu yang dimiliki, mengembangkan rasa kepercayaan diri dan memiliki keaktifan belajar yang tinggi dalam menerima suatu materi pelajaran. vi ABSTRACT Fauziah. 2024. Improving Reading Comprehension Skills through Cooperative Script Learning Model assisted by Picture Media for Grade V Students of SDN Benua Riam. Thesis of Elementary School Teacher Education S-1 Program. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Nahdlatul Ulama University of South Kalimantan. Advisor (1) Nor Lila Sari, M.Pd. Advisor (2) Rofi Shafwan, S.Pd., M.Sn. Keywords: Reading Comprehension, Cooperative Script, Picture Media Reading comprehension is an activity that needs to be fostered and developed gradually in elementary school students. The reading ability of fifth grade students of SDN Benua Riam is still below the Maximum Completeness Criteria. Based on the results of observations 1) the learning carried out has not used the right approaches, strategies, and methods for reading comprehension, 2) students do not understand what reading comprehension is like and how it differs from other reading activities, 3) students still have difficulty in doing some activities such as reading silently (reading without moving their lips), 4) students are less focused and less active in learning to read, and 5) students find it difficult to understand the material presented by the teacher so they do not understand the reading, especially determining the main sentence in a paragraph and explaining the story in their own sentences. To overcome the problems in students' reading comprehension skills, the Cooperative Script learning model assisted by picture media was chosen. The research approach used is a qualitative approach with the type of research, namely Classroom Action Research. The research was carried out in two cycles with each cycle there were two meetings consisting of four stages, namely planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The research was conducted in collaboration with the fifth grade teacher of SDN Benua Riam in the second semester of the 2023/2024 school year with 18 students. The factors studied were teacher factors, student factors and reading comprehension learning outcomes through the Cooperative Script learning model assisted by image media. How to collect data through observation, tests, and documentation. The indicators of success that will be achieved are teacher and student activities reaching ≥ 80% with good and active criteria and individual student reading comprehension completeness with a score of ≥75 (KKM). The success indicator on classical completeness reached ≥ 80% of individual completeness. Based on the results of the research, there was an increase in each cycle on teacher activities, students and reading comprehension results. The results of teacher activity observations in cycle I meeting I amounted to 64%, cycle I meeting II amounted to 73%, cycle II meeting I amounted to 80% and increased in cycle II meeting II amounted to 93%. The results of observations of student activity in cycle I meeting I amounted to 63%, cycle I meeting II amounted to 70%, cycle II meeting I amounted to 77% and in cycle II meeting II amounted to 90%. The results of observations on the results of reading comprehension of students in cycle I meeting I as many as 9 students completed or 50%, cycle I meeting II as many as 12 students completed or 67%, cycle II meeting I as many as 14 students completed or 78% and cycle II meeting II as many as 15 students completed or 83%. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that through the Cooperative Script learning model assisted by image media can improve the reading comprehension results of grade V students of SDN Benua Riam. . The results of the study are expected to overcome individual student learning difficulties, be able to explore their individual abilities, develop self-confidence and have high learning activeness in receiving a subject matter.

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Subjects: 300 – Ilmu Sosial > 370 Pendidikan > 370 Pendidikan
Divisions: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan > Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar
Depositing User: Editor Repository Unukase
Date Deposited: 05 Nov 2024 02:47
Last Modified: 05 Nov 2024 02:47

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